I cannot love this little girl enough! Every day I can't imagine my life without her. She makes me smile. And she is getting big fast. She already has strong legs that won't bed when you stand her up. She has fat little rolls that are to die for!!! She is always playing with her hands and started to grab onto things. She chews on her tongue sometimes. You can tell when she is tired, because she just start sucking like she is eating and her eyes start to roll back. She has the cutest laugh and smile. She sits up so good in her high chair and just recently I got her exer-saucer out and she likes (not loves) it. She is a rock star sleeper and sleeps through the night and takes great naps during the day. The only thing she doesn't like...her car seat. When she is traveling in the car, she is one grumpy girl. I can deal with that. I {heart} Zoey!
I decided that once Zoey was 3 months old she should sleep in her room. I realized the other day that she turned 3 months already! I was not prepared for that. I have loved having her in my room in her little bassinet next to my bed (I could just peek over at her). Well, little is right. She almost doesn't fit in it anymore, so it's a good thing her crib is ready for her!! It's been 2 nights that she's slept in her own room by herself now. It's all I can do to take her out and stick her in bed with me. I could watch her and hold her for hours. And she sleeps great. Probably for a week now she's been sleeping through the night. And when she does wake up, she doesn't cry. I hear her rustling around and sucking her hands. I am so in love with that little girl, it's not even funny! I pick her up 100 times a day and can't help feeling so much love. How can I not want 10 more? {I look at my boys and that's all the birth control I need. Haha!}
I always say that I'll never forget how Zoey is as a baby. But in a few years, my memory will slowly fade and the details won't be so fresh. I want to remember the small things, so THANK GOODNESS for blogs! Zoey laughed for the first time yesterday. It was so cute. She's cooed before, but this time she full on laughed. I was in the kitchen doing some things, and had Zoey sitting in her high chair so she could be close to me. I was playing peek-a-boo with her and would hide under the high chair and then pop up. She loved it and so did I!! Another BIG small moment was she slept through the night last night. Yup, she went down at 9:30 and slept 'til 6:30 a.m. the next morning. What a good girl! I just love love love her. She turned 3 months old on Tuesday. My, how time is flying.