I cannot love this little girl enough! Every day I can't imagine my life without her. She makes me smile. And she is getting big fast. She already has strong legs that won't bed when you stand her up. She has fat little rolls that are to die for!!! She is always playing with her hands and started to grab onto things. She chews on her tongue sometimes. You can tell when she is tired, because she just start sucking like she is eating and her eyes start to roll back. She has the cutest laugh and smile. She sits up so good in her high chair and just recently I got her exer-saucer out and she likes (not loves) it. She is a rock star sleeper and sleeps through the night and takes great naps during the day. The only thing she doesn't like...her car seat. When she is traveling in the car, she is one grumpy girl. I can deal with that. I {heart} Zoey!
Ohhh, I love her smile!!!